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Drum Kit and Percussion Tutor

Transforming Lives Through Christ and the Wonder of Learning

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Drum Kit and Percussion Tutor

Northside Christian College is seeking a Drum Kit and Percussion Tutor. If you are interested in being part of a collaborative teaching team that is committed to supporting staff and students to flourish, we would love to hear from you!

About the Position

The College is seeking a part-time Drum Kit and Percussion Tutor (contractor) commencing in January 2025.

Closing Date

Applications for this position will close on Monday 27th January 2025, unless the role is filled prior.

Application Process

The College requires applicants who are applying for this position to complete the following:

  1. A cover letter that addresses your commitment to and understanding of Christian Education, and experience in a similar role,
  2. A curriculum vitae detailing your qualifications and experience,
  3. A completed Application for Non-Teaching Position Form and
  4. Contact details of referees listed on the Application for Non-Teaching Position Form.

Please send your completed application to Mr Andrew Horneman, Music Coordinator, by email to as one PDF document. Applications should be addressed to the Mr Andrew Horneman. 

Applications not accompanied by the Application for Non-Teaching Position Form will not be considered.

Additional Information

The College is seeking to engage an enthusiastic and experienced Drum Kit and Percussion Tutor to work with students from Years 2 - 12 in 2025.

Key roles for this position are:

In order to be considered for the role, applicants must demonstrate a commitment to the Christian ethos and values of the College.

All staff are expected to support the operations of the College from a Christian perspective as outlined in the resources referenced below.


Enquiries regarding the application process can be directed to Mr Andrew Horneman, Music Coordinator, on 03 9467 2499 or

Applications should be addressed to:

Mr Andrew Horneman
Music Coordinator
Northside Christian College
31 McLeans Road, Bundoora VIC 3083

Northside Christian College is committed to child safety. We have zero tolerance of child abuse. Our robust human resources, recruitment, and vetting practices are strictly adhered to during the application and interviewing process. Applicants should be aware that we carry out national police record checks and reference checks to ensure that we are recruiting the right people.

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Contact Us

Northside Christian College
31 McLeans Rd, Bundoora VIC 3083, Australia
Phone: 03 9467 2499